Member Books, Poems, & Reviews
About RNA Member Books, Poems, and Reviews
Members are encouraged to post synopses and links to books they have written, to post or link to poems they have written, or to post reviews of books, music, etc. that either support or challenge religious naturalist perspectives.
Member reviews of member books are particularly encouraged!
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- Submissions can be Word, Pages, plain text, or PDF format. You can also just paste them into an email.
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Member Reviews
Member Books
Member Poems
New Recording by Chanticleer – A Religious Naturalist Masterpiece
If anything, the practice of a religious naturalist is experiential. The initial impulse of a...
The Hedonicon: a Scripture Whose Time Has Come
In recent weeks, our friend Nate published The Hedonicon: The Holy Book of Epicurus as an e-book...
Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture
Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture Loyal D. Rue, University of Alabama...
The Brush Dances and the Light Sings
John and Yvonne Palka were biology professors in Seattle until their retirement in the early...
At Home on an Unruly Planet: Finding Refuge on a Changed Earth
Madeline Ostrander is an environmental journalist. It took her almost a decade to complete her new...
The Patterning Instinct
I first came across Jeremy Lent's work about a year before The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural...
The Sacred Depths of Nature
Extensively revised and in full color. Each chapter begins with an accessible story about the...
From Birds to Boulders
Between Birdsong and Boulder - Poems on the life of Gaia Between Birdsong and Boulder...
Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture
Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture Loyal D. Rue, University of Alabama...
Everybody’s Story
A Summons
A Summons by Bob Ambrose Who will mourn the ‘Age of Man’ when the epoch of Adam is...
Mother Nature’s Prayer
The Mother Nature’s Prayer Our Mother, who art within us, Hallowed be thy name. Thy ways...
Forest Psalm by Tamerie Day
Oh, Trees. You have searched us and known us. In our rising up and our lying down, in our walking...