RNA members are invited to submit articles for posting here.
To submit an article send it in an email to membersblog@religious-naturalist-association.org
Maximus Thaler
Maximus Thaler At his website, Maximus describes himself as “a wandering scholar, artist, activist, chef”. Our reviewer particularly liked items in the Creations area, including wire sculptures and photography.
Jeff Nechleba
Jeff Nechleba Jeff has a blog, ahhbeautiful. Recent posts include a weltanschauung, celebrations of the winter solstice, the reason for the coloring of the leaves, and the energy of life.
Lane Tracy
Lane Tracy Lane is a composer of many choral works, some of which include religious naturalist themes. He compiled some of them into a Missa Natura consisting of eight movements, which is scheduled to be performed by the choir of the UU Fellowship...
Chris Highland
Chris Highland Chris Highland was a Presbyterian minister and served as an Interfaith Chaplain in the San Francisco Bay area for 25 years. He has taught short courses on World Wisdom and now teaches a class – A Wild Spirituality of Nature: On the Trail of John Muir...
March 23-27, 2016: Cosmos and Ethos: Religious Naturalism and the Climate Crisis
March 23-27 Chicago, Illinois Cosmos and Ethos: Religious Naturalism and the Climate Crisis Meadville Lombard Theological School

April 7-9, 2015: Children and Nature Conference
April 7-9 Austin, Texas Children and Nature Conference

April 9, 2015: Science and religion: the myth of conflict
April 9 Chicago, Illinois Science and religion: the myth of conflict

April 10-11, 2015: Fifth International Congress on Ecstatic Naturalism
April 10-11 Madison, New Jersey Fifth International Congress on Ecstatic Naturalism

April 16, 2015: Emergent Mind: What Brains and Cognition Tell Us About Faith. Philip Clayton
April 16 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Emergent Mind: What Brains and Cognition Tell Us About Faith. Philip Clayton

April 19, 2015: Vanessa Zoltan: On Atheists and Prayer
April 19 Cambridge, Massachusetts Vanessa Zoltan: On Atheists and Prayer

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