RNA Members' Blog

RNA members are invited to submit articles for posting here.

To submit an article send it in an email to membersblog@religious-naturalist-association.org

The Brush Dances and the Light Sings

The Brush Dances and the Light Sings

John and Yvonne Palka were biology professors in Seattle until their retirement in the early 2000’s, and they devoted their non-academic lives to artistic encounters with the natural world, John using a camera and Yvonne the inks of Asian brush painting (sumi-e). When...

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Stumbling Toward Religious Naturalism

"When you don’t know where you’re going it can be hard to get there. I can’t say my path has been arduous in the sense of physical hardships or deep emotional trauma but it has been a long and winding road. Some of the twists in the road have been inspirational and...

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Religious in Nature, by Tammerie Day

The sky of South Texas domed a flat land, smoothed by ancient ocean tides, scoured by hurricanes and floods, stretching from horizon to horizon. That sky was my first invitation to openness, space, wonder. No surprise that I soon began scrambling into the hackberry...

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What Makes RN Appealing to Me

What Makes RN Appealing to Me by Riccardo Cravero I think that what makes RN appealing to me is the fact that a naturalist worldview can account for pain, suffering and evil and explain them as part of our lives and equally real, instead of just considering them some...

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Becoming Aware of Religious Naturalism

Becoming Aware of Religious Naturalism Despite my background in religious studies, “religious naturalism” is a term that I encountered for the first time just several months ago. I’ve noticed that friends and relatives who share my interest in religion and...

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Religious Naturalism: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Religious Naturalism: An Idea Whose Time Has Come by Michael Barrett This paper advances the proposition that religious naturalism is a big idea whose time has come. Not a new idea – its roots go back to thinkers of the ancient world – but an idea reborn in the light...

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Creativity by Eugene Troxell The major reason I regard the cosmos as worthy of human reverence is because it contains or exhibits characteristics that I used to associate with God when I was a traditional Christian Theist.  Those characteristics are creativity and...

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