Everybody’s Story

Everybody’s Story

Everybody's Story RNA Book Review EVERYBODY’S STORY:  WISING UP TO THE EPIC OF EVOLUTION Loyal D. Rue.  State University of New York Press, 1999 (SUNY series in          Philosophy and Biology, D.E. Shaner, Editor)   TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreward by Edward O. Wilson...
On Freedom

On Freedom

On Freedom RNA Book Review Book review of Maggie Nelson’s On Freedom Jason Keune  In Maggie Nelson’s new book, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint, she invokes, or rather curates, a vast landscape of contemporary thought and thinkers in an expansive...
Finding the Mother Tree

Finding the Mother Tree

Finding the Mother Tree RNA Book Review I’m writing to recommend a book. Finding the Mother Tree – Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest, Dr. Suzanne Simard. Simard has put together summations and descriptions of her experiments and findings from her career as a forest...
Diary of a Young Naturalist

Diary of a Young Naturalist

Diary of a Young Naturalist RNA Book Review I shared a poem recently and it came from this remarkable book by Dara McAnulty – Diary of A Young Naturalist. It is probably more about autism than nature. But I am stunned by the brilliance of this young autistic man...