religious naturalist association


The Art of Noticing
The Art of Noticing

Spring has arrived in the northeast. In latitudes where four seasons are distinct, each with its own color palette, symphony of sounds, and visible changes in the landscape, the arrival of spring can be watched day by day if one has the patience to notice. This is my...

Aurora Borealis: A Symphony of Light
Aurora Borealis: A Symphony of Light

Blog  Aurora Borealis Laura Emerson Book:  Log Cabin Reflections, Kindle, Amazon $5   For several decades, I lived in Houston, TX, latitude 31.  When I moved to Alaska, latitude 61, almost everything was different, of...

Nature’s Abundance in Wild Alaska
Nature’s Abundance in Wild Alaska

Despite Two More Feet of Snow, Spring has Sprung Although our land is still blanketed by 2 feet of snow and the lake remains frozen, spring has sprung this week.  How do I know? One clue is the first of many flocks of migrating geese and one, lone sandhill crane...

Meditation Basics
Meditation Basics

While Religious Naturalists may or may not meditate, for many, meditation is an important lifelong practice. This article by J.X. Mason is presented here for those interested in knowing more about the topic. Meditation is paying sustained attention to some event,...

Nature’s Blessing of Awe
Nature’s Blessing of Awe

Image by Moaz Tobok on Unsplash No matter how little attention we pay to the outside world and the magical shifts of life turning from season to season, nature has ways of getting our attention as if to prod us back into wonder and awe.  One morning in early fall, I...