The Sacred Depths of Nature by Ursula Goodenough Extensively revised and in full color. Each chapter begins with an accessible story about the dynamics of Nature: the origins of the universe, the planet, and life; the workings of cells and organisms; the patterns of...
Between Birdsong and Boulder by Bob Ambrose Jr. Between Birdsong and Boulder – Poems on the life of Gaia Between Birdsong and Boulder ( is a collection of poems that covers the science-based story of the cosmos in lyric form. It...
Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture by Loyal Rue Amythia: Crisis in the Natural History of Western Culture Loyal D. Rue, University of Alabama Press, 1989 A review and commentary by Ursula Goodenough Circa 1991 I wrote the review of this book...
Everybody's Story RNA Book Review EVERYBODY’S STORY: WISING UP TO THE EPIC OF EVOLUTION Loyal D. Rue. State University of New York Press, 1999 (SUNY series in Philosophy and Biology, D.E. Shaner, Editor) TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreward by Edward O. Wilson...
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