RNA Photo Gallery
RNA Members’ Photo Gallery
This photo gallery consists of photos submitted by RNA members. If you would like to contribute to this gallery click on the Submit Photo button.
Breakfast Time
Victoria’s West Bay is a popular morning feeding ground with the local Great Blue Heron population
Chinstrap Penguins on Ice Berg
This photo, with the two penguins reflected in the surface of the water, captivated me. It was taken in Börgen Bay along the Antarctica Peninsula on Dec, 24, 2022
Neptune’s Tower
Neptune’s Tower is passed upon entering the caldera of Deception Island. This is taken from a kayak looking out to the open sea.
Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina, water is always flowing. The calmness of a pond, with a gentle ripple of breeze, brings a moment of silent appreciation for Nature’s gifts. A perfect “cause for pause,” reflection and contemplation.
Blue Heron on Takeoff
This image was taken in the wetlands along Meadow Creek in Stony Brook, New York during a nature cruise on a small boat. Under the guidance of a professional photographer I had preset the camera for a 3-shot burst and I was zoomed to the maximum range of the lens. This was taken during a period when many birds were migrating through this popular area. I was fortunate that at exactly the right moment from the direction I was looking this blue heron rose up out of the tall weeds and I was able to get this shot.
Antarctic Peninsula
The ethereal landscape of clouds, ice floes, mountains and snow in a magnificent collage of muted tones.
Flame Bird
This male Florida flamengo was trying hard to impress a potential mate, but his amorous displays were repeatedly rejected. After several unsuccessful flirtations, he seemed to collapse in dejected exhaustion.
Mother and Child at Rest
A mother and child of the Isimbi Family of mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. Reached after an hour-long climb up steep mountain terrain, slogging through mud and hacking through bamboo trees, I was ready to join them in a nap.
Uluru is an iconic sandstone mountain in central Australia, sacred to the Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal people. Their religion forbids climbing the mountain, a tradition my party respected. Visitors routinely violate this tradition to the detriment of the mountain and the people to whom it is sacred.
Icy Rapids on the Gridley River
This favorite spot of mine is in a lovely Nature Conservancy property known as the Wales Preserve in Sharon NH. It’s always beautiful but especially so when ice forms and when the leaves turn in the fall. The river also flows through two extensive wetlands upstream of this and around the end of a quite sizeable glacial esker ridge on it’s way to the Contoocook River which flows north, unlike virtually all other rivers in central New England and joins the Merrimack River which empties in to the Atlantic Ocean.
Seaside Tree of Life
I discovered a seaside tree of life on an early morning sunrise walk at Seabrook Island, South Carolina. Terri Goslin-Jones, PhD
Leopard Seal Adolescents
These two adolescent Leopard Seals were photographed on Deception Island. Frank Jude Boccio
Heart of Nature
A bird nest that had been nestled between two trees and the side of a metal building. Richard Dube
New Day Arising
A surprising multi layered miraculous sunrise at Seabrook Island, SC. Terri Goslin-Jones
All You Survey
A young woman perches on a ledge overlooking the forest-mantled Blue Ridge Mountains stretching off into the hazy distance. Forrest Marchinton
Florida Rainbow
A very unusual rainbow over the lake behind my house. Taken with an iPhone. Charlotte Kendall
Nature’s present
Red flowering current flower getting ready for a hummingbird to come feed. by Jae Geller
Borgen Bay
Two Chinstrap Penguins riding an ice berg in Börgen Bay along the Antarctica Peninsula. by Frank Jude Boccio
Once Orphaned
This charismatic grizzly bear was orphaned in an Alaskan village as a wee cub. He was given a home in Bozeman, Montana at Casey Anderson’s (Nat Geo) Grizzly sanctuary. When I met this bear, I waited for hours for him to look into the camera. He changed my life when he did. By Erin Wolf
Grizzly Mountain
I waited with my lens trained on the edge of a wooded area in Yellowstone National Park, where I had heard there was a grizzly mating pair. Eventually this sow walked out and stepped into my frame, making it one of the most memorable and thrilling moments of my life. by Erin Wolf
The first day of winter
Seasons are subtle in the tropics. There is a chill in the air. There is a haze on the sea surface. There is dew on the green blades of grass. A tinge of purple blossom dotting an ipê tree here and there. A flock of birds of migration in southern skies, and… these may be the only precious cues nature can bestow me on a morning stroll across the Bay area in Rio de Janeiro. In some years, I can only testify to the winter solstice if I close my eyes and soak the season into my soul. Only then, bereft of sight, I can see winter “feelingly”…

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