RNA Blog

Spiritual, and Yes, Religious

Spiritual, and Yes, Religious

Alison Wohler, September 14, 2014 Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst It used to drive me crazy in seminary when they would always ask us what we were doing as a spiritual practice.  I suppose I could have told them about my practice of putting my feet in the...

Science and Religion on my Vacation

Science and Religion on my Vacation

Alison Wohler, February 24, 2013 Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst I drove to Florida and back this January.  I don’t particularly like to fly, plus if I drive I get to see family and friends along the way,  And while I’m there I don’t have to rent a car.  In...

Religious Naturalism – What’s That?

Religious Naturalism – What’s That?

Alison Wohler, April 11, 2010 Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst Maybe it was the Transcendental dust of Emerson and Thoreau I breathed in while a student minister in Concord.  Or maybe, even before that it was all the time I spent playing in the woods as a...

Our Extravagant Universe

Our Extravagant Universe

Alison Wohler, October 2, 2011   Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst and June 24, 2012   Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Chautauqua, NY I have a science background – my dad is a scientist, my first degree and career were in science.  And I’m now a...

Doubt and Uncertainty

Doubt and Uncertainty

Doubt and Uncertainty – Columbus 2018 Alison Wohler, August 12, 2018 First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus Frederick Buechner wrote: Whether your faith is that there is a God or that there is not a God, if you don’t have any doubts, you are either kidding...

The RNA Blog contains articles submitted by members of the Religious Naturalist Association.

Submissions from members are greatfully accepted.

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