RNA Members' Blog

RNA members are invited to submit articles for posting here.

To submit an article send it in an email to membersblog@religious-naturalist-association.org

The Beauty of Winter Trees

The Beauty of Winter Trees

Natural settings can speak to people, make them feel at home.  One of my sisters has  been attracted to oceans, another to the desert.  For me, it is forest settings that have always beckoned. Every morning, I feel a sense of peace and gratitude as I look out my...

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Laura Emerson Alaskauu1.substack.com Nature’s grand vistas of mountain ranges and oceans are certainly awe inspiring, but so, too, are the riches that lie beneath our feet and within arm’s reach.   Let’s pay attention to a patch of nature close to us. One of my...

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Encountering Nature as Sabbath

Encountering Nature as Sabbath

Photo by NOEM on Unsplash   Encountering Nature as Sabbath   “Holiness is not something limited to the religious world, much less the supernatural; holiness is something that happens in the natural world.” — Thomas W. Mann from The God of Dirt, Mary Oliver and...

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Forest Bathing & Forest Therapy

Forest Bathing & Forest Therapy

Laura Emerson Alaskauu1.substack.com Book:  Log Cabin Reflections, about living off-grid in remote Alaska   Do you know the terms Forest Bathing and Forest Therapy? They refer to immersion in nature for several hours at a time, on a repeated basis.  This is not a time...

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How Nature Restores Us to Ourselves

How Nature Restores Us to Ourselves

Image: Kyle Sanguin on Unsplash Encountering nature in silence, solitude, and seclusion, we become immersed in present moment awareness and find renewal. Where I live in the northeast it’s winter. Being close to one of the Great Lakes, we experience what’s called...

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The Hedonicon: a Scripture Whose Time Has Come

The Hedonicon: a Scripture Whose Time Has Come

In recent weeks, our friend Nate published The Hedonicon: The Holy Book of Epicurus as an e-book and in paperback edition. Nate is an artist/musician who wrote the Dude’s Letter to Menoeceus, and he has also written for the Society of Epicurus and has contributed to...

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The Evolutionary Philosophy Circle

Ed Gibney is a writer, philosopher, and co-founder of the Evolutionary Philosophy Circle (EPC). The EPC is one of several groups that are operating within ProSocial World (PW), which is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2020 by distinguished scientists...

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Nature’s Path of Continuing Creation

Nature's Path of Continuing Creation by J. X. Mason presents a new Way of Living that is based on Nature, Reason, Science, and factual history.  Miracles and myths are gone, except for the miracle of ongoing creation itself — simple parts joining together to emerge as...

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