RNA members are invited to submit articles for posting here.
To submit an article send it in an email to membersblog@religious-naturalist-association.org

April 22, 2015: Earth Day
April 22 Earth Day (events at many locations)
May 16, 2015: Teilhard, Religion, and Big History: A Look Inside – with John Haught
May 16 New York, NY Teilhard, Religion, and Big History: A Look Inside – with John Haught

May 16, 2015: The Ethics of Nature – The Nature of Ethics
May 16 Manchester, England The Ethics of Nature – The Nature of Ethics

May 14-17, 2015: Religion in the Anthropocene – Challenges, Idolatries, Transformations
May 14-17 Munich Religion in the Anthropocene – Challenges, Idolatries, Transformations European Forum for the Study of Religion and Environment

June 4-7, 2015: Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization
June 4-7 Claremont, California Seizing an Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization

June 12, 2015: Rocky Mountain National Park Centennial Celebration Concert
June 12 Estes Park, Colorado Rocky Mountain National Park Centennial Celebration Concert, including “Wilderness Reflections”, a cantata for soloists, chorus, and orchestra by St. Louis composer, poet, RNA member Robert Charles Howard.

August 3-7, 2015: Ecology & Evolution Field Program
August 3-7 Winthrop, Washington Ecology & Evolution Field Program
August 4-11, 2015: Exploring the Sacred Universe: An Earth Literacy Program
August 4-11 Godfrey, Illinois Exploring the Sacred Universe: An Earth Literacy Program

August 8-15, 2015: Unsettling Science and Religion: Contributions & Questions from Queer Studies
August 8-15 Star Island, New Hampshire Unsettling Science and Religion: Contributions & Questions from Queer Studies Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS) annual conference

August 27-29, 2015: The Science and Religion Debate in Current Social Context
August 27-29 Vienna The Science and Religion Debate in Current Social Context International Society for Science & Religion (ISSR)

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