The Mother Nature’s Prayer
Our Mother, who art within us,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy ways evolve,
Thy will calls forth
This earth that is now our heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And fill us with tenderness
As we repair our trespasses.
And lead us forth into communion,
And deliver us from dominion,
For thine is our wellspring
And our grounding and our glory
Forever and ever, amen.
The original Lord’s Prayer is found in both Luke and Matthew. Jesus would have voiced it in Aramaic; a Latin version is here. I crafted my prayer to retain the elegant structure and cadence of the King James’ version, allowing its adoption into western hymnity. But I address the words not to a Lord in a supernatural Heaven but to the wondrous essence of Nature – our wellspring and our grounding — personified as Mother Nature.