Member Recommended EventsSHARE YOUR EVENTS
If you’d like to let others know about a forthcoming RN-relevant conference, art or museum exhibit, concert series, seminar series, etc., please send a short notice of same, including a URL to the full website descriptor, to Terry Findlay and it will be posted.
June 27 – July 4, 2020
2020 Summer Conference:
The Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS)
Naturalism – as Religion, within Religions, or without Religion?
Star Island, New Hampshire
3rd Common Ground Conference in New Zealand
Theme: Creation: Ecology, Theology, Revolution
St. Andrew’s on The Terrace, 30 The Terrace, Wellington – 2018, September 7th to 9th
2018 Common Ground flyer
Eighth International Congress on Ecstatic Naturalism
2018 Theme: Mind, Semiotics, and Symbols in Nature
Drew University, Madison, NJ – April 13th and 14th
EN – 8 program
JULY 24-28
Western Carolina University
12th Biennial Personalist Seminar (1)
June 24 – July 1 – Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS)
Title: The “Wicked Problem” of Climate Change: What is it doing to us and for us? See http://www.iras.org/2017-conference.html for the conference statement and http://thewickedproblemofclimatechange.weebly.com for full information. The conference venue, Star Island, off the coast of New Hampshire, is a heavenly spot. Full children’s program as well.
June 30 – Emergent Universe Oratorio – Cleveland, Ohio
The Emergent Universe Oratorio is an hour and half long choral and orchestral composition created by RNA member Sam Guarnaccia. It was conceived in response to the current scientific cosmology as presented in the 2011 documentary “Journey of the Universe” and inspired by the work Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim. The current version of the Oratorio includes input from Ursula Goodenough.
This performance in will feature the 35 piece BlueWater Chamber Orchestra and the 45 person Cleveland Chamber Choir. It will be recorded, to “stand as a legacy, as the composition enters the choral-orchestral repertoire and continues to be performed across the nation.”
A video trailer, with portions of a performance of the Oratorio, can be viewed at this link.
Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center
Temple – Tifereth Israel
Case Western University
1855 Ansel Road
Cleveland, Ohio
April 7th – 8th Ecstatic Naturalism
Title: Suffering and Evil in Nature: Western and Asian perspectives. Conference details are here https://www.drew.edu/theological-school/centers-special-programs/institute-for-ecstatic-naturalism/.
SNS 101: Introduction to Spiritual Naturalism – Online Course
This course presents essentials of Spiritual Naturalism, with emphasis on compassion, reason, and practice. Students engage content through discussion, meditation, and integration into daily life. Designed for both beginning and experienced practitioners interested in cultivating a meaningful life, this course surveys core themes in a nonsectarian manner unified by scientific models as one possible approach to Spiritual Naturalism. Oct. 2nd – 30th. For details and registration, visit SpiritualNaturalistSociety.org.