I don’t believe in God, because that word is too attached to religious myths, especially within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (The religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism are far less attached to their myths, which are more like illustrative stories.)

Lots of people think there’s a God, but by that, they mean Nature, The Laws of Physics. Ultimate Truth, The Ground of All Being, The Universe Itself, The Tao, Nature’s Processes of Continuing Creation, and other names. 

I agree with these people, but I use the names just mentioned. (Perhaps a middle-ground name might be to use quotation marks, i.e., “God,” but I don’t use the in-quotes version because it is too similar to the original word God.)

Regardless of the Name (God, “God”, or one of the more secular Names above), how does HeShe, or It do the work — the Work of Continuing Creation?

The work of Continuing Creation is done through the interrelated Processes of Nature’s Continuing Creation. These Processes include — Solar fusion, Planet formation, Nuclear fission, Energy flow, Chemical reaction, Cooperation, Competition, Synthesis, Evolution, Respiration, Metabolism, Reproduction, Natural Selection, Communication, Circulation, Photosynthesis, Agency, Colonization, Invention, Communication, Electric generation, and many, many others. (Note that a number of these processes are done through Human Agency. Human beings are agents of Continuing Creation.)

Why would God or “God” not use processes (and agents) that are so powerful and efficient?  I don’t think it’s reasonable to believe that God created “The Heavens and Earth and every living thing” all at once, with all the Processes already built into them.  And if the interacting Processes mentioned above work so well… why do we need to invent a mythical, supernatural person-God?