The sky of South Texas domed a flat land, smoothed by ancient ocean tides, scoured by hurricanes and floods, stretching from horizon to horizon. That sky was my first invitation to openness, space, wonder. No surprise that I soon began scrambling into the hackberry...
What Makes RN Appealing to Me by Riccardo Cravero I think that what makes RN appealing to me is the fact that a naturalist worldview can account for pain, suffering and evil and explain them as part of our lives and equally real, instead of just considering them some...
Becoming Aware of Religious Naturalism Despite my background in religious studies, “religious naturalism” is a term that I encountered for the first time just several months ago. I’ve noticed that friends and relatives who share my interest in religion and...
The Atheistic Religious Naturalism of Goodenough, Crosby, and Rue In our scientific age, traditional religions no longer work for many people – particularly those who reject religion because they reject the idea of ‘God’. Religious naturalism is an approach that takes...
Religious Naturalism: An Idea Whose Time Has Come by Michael Barrett This paper advances the proposition that religious naturalism is a big idea whose time has come. Not a new idea – its roots go back to thinkers of the ancient world – but an idea reborn in the light...
A Religion and Ethics for the Age of Science: Religious Naturalism (ARFTAOS) The Search PrincipleWe can develop a religion and ethics for the current scientific age through a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The search for truth involves...