Sam Guarnaccia

Sam’s website includes photo, audio, and video galleries plus descriptions and samples from compositions, including a Celtic Mass for Peace, the Emergent Universe Oratorio, and Children’s Peace Songs. For a start, you might check a choral performance – the third...

Maximus Thaler

At his website, Maximus describes himself as “a wandering scholar, artist, activist, chef”. Our reviewer particularly liked items in the Creations area, including...
Michael Barrett

Michael Barrett

Michael Barrett Michael Barrett wants to connect with religious naturalists in the UK. He has contacted some UK periodicals with a view to publishing articles or book reviews on RN, and has provided information about RNA to some groups in the UK. He has also written...

Roger Gillette

Roger Gillette Speaking of the Open Forum, we also recently posted a piece by Roger Gillette. At age 97, Roger is our oldest member.

Lynne Quarmby

For folks who didn’t see the posting at, we’ll again mention Lynne Quarmby’s recent ecologic activism, where she was part of a group arrested in a protest to block the extension of a tar sand pipeline through Burnaby Mountain near...
Caitlin + Peter Adair

Caitlin + Peter Adair

Caitlin + Peter Adair Caitlin + Peter produce the Earth Story Calendar from their home in Vermont. As they describe it these include “a description of our origin story, a marriage of scientific discovery and deep contemplation, in twelve installments, illustrated with...