Berry Picking and Grief: A Religious Naturalist’s Eulogy

Berry Picking and Grief: A Religious Naturalist’s Eulogy

Eulogy thanks to Berries Laura Emerson Book:  Log Cabin Reflections, Kindle version Yesterday, my dad died.  I spent a few hours processing the news, but all I felt was an emotional maelstrom and a physical need to go...
Lead With Love

Lead With Love

Maybe – the truth about … “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”.. Einstein… and the deep philosophical knowing of … ‘we can’t think our way out of this’… is...
God, Or “God,” Or The Things On My List?

God, Or “God,” Or The Things On My List?

I don’t believe in God, because that word is too attached to religious myths, especially within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (The religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism are far less attached to their myths, which are more like illustrative stories.) Lots of...
Purpose in the Living System

Purpose in the Living System

Yet, it’s hard to feel that in isolation, when we are separated from all that we can offer, when we are separated from our truth of who we are, we feel we have nothing to offer.  Nothing to give.  That there is little point or purpose to our existence …. And yet when...