The Religious Naturalist Association or RNA (pun intended) was formed to bring together people from around the world who see themselves as religious naturalists and to introduce this concept to those who are not familiar with it. This website provides a point of entry and a resource for exploring the religious-naturalist orientation and for sharing ideas with other members.
Information on the group is at the About RNA Page.
Information on membership, which is free, is at the Join RNA page.
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Who is a religious naturalist?
Religious naturalists hold a naturalist view of how things are in the world (in which nothing supernatural is involved). They also see themselves as religious, in non-traditional ways, as they appreciate the wonder of being alive and the order and beauty of the natural world. The religious naturalist takes nature to heart, learning from and caring about the natural world.
Religious naturalists include those who see themselves as atheist, agnostic, non-theistic, secular, or humanist but also (in their own ways) spiritual, and many appreciate aspects of traditional religions. Religious naturalists explore ways of increasing understanding, responding to mysteries and challenges, and showing respect for things that matter, including ecological stability and social justice.
A more detailed description can be seen via this link. And varied perspectives can be seen at the Open Forum page.
What is the Religious Naturalist Association (RNA)?
RNA is worldwide community of people interested in exploring or expressing support for the religious naturalist orientation. Members are mainly from North America and Europe but represent more than 20 countries and a wide range of backgrounds. Advisors include philosophers, scientists, progressive clergy, and others who have written books, taught, and conducted research on religious naturalist themes. To give a flavor, some book titles include: “Nature is Enough”, “The Sacred Depths of Nature”, and “When God is Gone, Everything is Holy”.
We have two platforms for online discussion (RNA Facebook and RNAnet).
We host online book discussions.
We’ve assembled, and are expanding, a collection of resources (accessible via this website), with links to:
Books, poetry, music, videos, and websites
Members’ projects (writings, community action, ecology, art)
Conferences, lectures, and other events
Archives (collected writings and links relating to religious naturalism)
Members participate in whatever ways they choose.
Some are active regularly – in exploring or discussing ideas, in creative expression, or in helping to coordinate activities that can build awareness. Some participate occasionally. And, some members mainly just listen in or observe (and, at times, appreciate being introduced to new perspectives).
However frequently or occasionally it may be accessed, RNA is available as a community that supports efforts to learn and act in ways that reflect values based in the view that since the natural world is the source of all that is and who we are, it can be a focus of religious orientation.
We invite you to explore and enjoy what we’re able to offer through RNA.
If you have questions, send us a note – to RNAsecretary@aol.com.