RNA Members' Blog

RNA members are invited to submit articles for posting here.

To submit an article send it in an email to membersblog@religious-naturalist-association.org

Falling Down into the Grass

Falling Down into the Grass

Falling Down into the Grass People experience the types of Natural Spirituality and Wholistic Comprehension in the same ways. They all generate feelings of awe, astonishment, amazement, appreciation, interest, energy, curiosity, positivity, purpose, motivation,...

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Tracks and Scat:  Noticing Nature

Tracks and Scat:  Noticing Nature

by Laura Emerson                                                             Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash Engagement with nature is the same as with people. It requires slowing down and paying attention to details. It isn’t driving past and enjoying the view. It...

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Love and Nature

Love and Nature

Love is not unique to human beings. Dogs love, elephants love, whales love. In fact, almost all mammals love their young (at least until they are grown and independent); many love their mates; and a number of them love their brothers and sisters. [note] Vicki Croke,...

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Patterns that Repeat in Nature and Science

Patterns that Repeat in Nature and Science

J.X. Mason  October 22, 2024 Geometric patterns are often found in nature and science.  Why is this so?  For many reasons: If you take a string of any given length, you can enclose more area by forming it into a circle than you can by forming it into any other shape –...

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Lessons from the Brevity of Fall

Lessons from the Brevity of Fall

Laura Emerson   Some people find autumn and winter depressing and prefer spring and summer.   I am not among that group.  To me, the brevity of a gorgeous, Alaskan fall is a very visible message to appreciate each day, each morning, each rapidly changing view. ...

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