Self Introduction – Elie

The Gateway Forums Announcements Self Introductions Self Introduction – Elie

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    • #28232

        Hi all,

        It’s nice to have found a like-minded group of people in RNA.  I’m a healthcare worker by day and a passionate wildlife artist & photographer in my free time.  I spend quite a bit of it working at various animal rescues and traveling when I can for wildlife photography.  I donate images to animal charities around the world so that they may raise funds and awareness for conservation.

        I was raised by fundamentalist Christians, but by the age of 16 realized that I was an atheist.  I’ve had a long spiritual journey, always attempting to learn and develop.  Several branches, explorations, permutations. Until a few years ago, I didn’t realize that many other people shared my deep spiritual connection to nature, my sense of awe, wonder and gratitude for life on this planet.  At least not in a more formal sense.  It’s nice to see this development of a group coming together.

        It’s nice to be here.


      • #28242

          Hi Elie!

          Great to read  your introduction. I agree, It’s nice to be here.

          Looking forward to seeing your photography in the forum!


          • #28245

              Thanks so much June; I look forward to sharing, and very nice to meet you! 🙂

          • #28243

              Welcome Elie! And brava for your animal activism.


              • #28244

                  Thank you so much Ursula; it’s a passion.  I picked up your book a few weeks ago and am looking very forward to reading it.

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