Reply To: Self Introduction – June

The Gateway Forums Announcements Self Introductions Self Introduction – June Reply To: Self Introduction – June


    June, I want to respond to your excellent post, but first I’m wondering how one uses this forum to start a new topic.  For example “Is Nature Enough?”  What I’m really wondering if how a set of introductions like June’s can be separated from, or perhaps elaborated into conversations like the “Is Nature Enough”” one.  For example could there be links from the first mention of it here to a longer conversation elsewhere?

    Now June, I just loved the recitation of your journey.  When I was RNA secretary I loved hearing from new members because the so often had similar stories, though marvelously specific as well.  In your case the report of your childhood just seemed so wonderful, and I found myself wondering where the tension came in that led to your current worldview.  I gather it was in college, and did not necessarily cause tension with your family of origin?

    My own path was quite similar, but I guess I should start a post called “Introduction: Michael” which should be in a bigger folder called Introductions?  Terry, help!
