RNA Newsletter

September, 2016

One of the most enjoyable and productive things at RNA has been sharing ideas and learning from one another.

As part of this, last month at RNA.net, JD Stillwater took the lead in as series of discussions, called “The Bathwater Sessions”. The general concept here is that, as many step away from or actively reject much of what is done in traditional religions, the perspective of “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” can be used to ask the question –

What concepts, if any, might be kept or re-interpreted in ways that may remain useful for religious naturalists?

More than 200 memos have been traded in discussions of such topics as Grace, Faith, Evil, and Devotion. With varied perspectives as starting points, some have said, Yes, some of these can be useful; or, No, they may be harmful or bound to particular beliefs. With different views being shared, the words and ideas and needs behind them come to be seen in richer ways.

As things move forward, discussions will examine topics like Justice, Charity, Hope, Love, Humility, and other topics that members may suggest. And as time allow, we’ll try to prepare brief overviews with highlights of what has been discussed. All are encouraged to listen in or share ideas. We’d love to hear what you know and what you think. If you’re not yet set up to join in at RNA.net, contact Michael at RNAsecretary@aol.com.

On a related topic, to give a reminder of something that’s been posted on RNA.Facebook and the RNA website, an additional venue for new ideas is a “massive open online course (MOOC)”, “Journey of the Universe: A Story for our Times,”, which is being offered through Yale University. It’s taught by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, co-producers of an Emmy Award-winning film on this topic. There’s a small fee for students who want to receive credit for completing the course, but it’s free for those who just want to audit. An overview is available on a page of the Yale Online courses site.

Todd Macalister


Equinox Sunrise, Angkor Wat